Helm explained

Helm: Empowering Secure and Efficient Software Deployment in Kubernetes

5 min read ยท Dec. 6, 2023
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In the ever-evolving landscape of containerized applications, ensuring secure and efficient software deployment is of paramount importance. Helm, a package manager for Kubernetes, has emerged as a powerful tool that addresses these challenges. In this article, we will explore Helm in the context of InfoSec and Cybersecurity, delving into its origin, features, use cases, and its relevance in the industry. We will also discuss career aspects and best practices associated with Helm.

What is Helm?

Helm, created by the Kubernetes community, is an open-source package manager for Kubernetes applications. It simplifies the deployment and management of containerized applications by providing a standardized way to define, install, and upgrade software packages, known as "charts," within Kubernetes clusters.

At its core, Helm consists of two components: the Helm client and the Helm server (Tiller). The Helm client runs on the user's local machine and interacts with the server to manage charts. The server component, Tiller, resides within the Kubernetes cluster and handles the installation and management of charts.

How is Helm Used?

Helm is used to streamline the deployment process of Kubernetes applications by encapsulating all the required resources and configurations into a single package called a chart. A chart is a collection of files that define the Kubernetes resources, such as pods, services, and deployments, along with their associated configurations.

Using Helm, developers and system administrators can easily package their applications, define the required dependencies, and share them with others. This approach promotes code reuse and allows for versioning, making it easier to manage complex application deployments.

To use Helm, one typically follows these steps:

  1. Create a Chart: Developers define the Kubernetes resources and configurations required for their application in a chart.
  2. Package the Chart: The chart is packaged into a compressed archive (.tgz) file.
  3. Publish the Chart: The packaged chart can be published to a chart repository, which can be a local or remote repository.
  4. Install or Upgrade the Chart: Users can install or upgrade the application by fetching the chart from the repository and instructing Helm to install or upgrade it within the Kubernetes cluster.
  5. Manage Releases: Helm keeps track of installed charts as releases, allowing users to manage and track the lifecycle of their applications.

History and Background

Helm was first introduced by Matt Butcher in 2015 as a solution to simplify the deployment process of applications on Kubernetes. It was initially inspired by package managers like APT (Debian) and Homebrew (macOS) and aimed to bring the same level of convenience and standardization to Kubernetes deployments.

Since its inception, Helm has gained significant traction and has become an integral part of the Kubernetes ecosystem. It is currently maintained by the Helm community and has a vibrant ecosystem of contributors and users.

Examples and Use Cases

Helm finds application in various scenarios, including:

1. Application Deployment and Management

Helm simplifies the deployment and management of complex applications by encapsulating them into charts. It allows for easy installation, upgrade, and rollback of applications within Kubernetes clusters. For example, a web application with multiple Microservices can be packaged into a chart, making it easier to manage and deploy as a single unit.

2. Infrastructure Provisioning

Helm can also be used to provision and manage infrastructure resources required for applications. For instance, a chart can define the deployment of a database, load balancer, or other infrastructure components alongside the application itself. This ensures that the infrastructure resources are consistently deployed and managed in conjunction with the application.

3. Continuous Deployment and Integration (CI/CD)

Helm integrates well with CI/CD pipelines, allowing for automated deployments and updates of applications. By incorporating Helm into CI/CD workflows, organizations can achieve faster and more reliable deployments, reducing the risk of errors and enabling continuous delivery.

Relevance in the Industry

Helm has gained significant relevance in the industry due to its ability to simplify and standardize the deployment process of Kubernetes applications. Its benefits include:

1. Increased Efficiency and Productivity

By encapsulating applications into charts, Helm enables developers and system administrators to package and distribute applications more efficiently. It reduces the time and effort required for manual deployments, allowing teams to focus on developing and delivering new features.

2. Enhanced Security and Compliance

Helm promotes secure software deployment by providing a standardized way to define and manage application configurations. It allows for the separation of sensitive information, such as credentials and secrets, from the application code, reducing the risk of accidental exposure. Additionally, Helm charts can be audited and reviewed for security vulnerabilities, ensuring Compliance with industry standards.

3. Collaboration and Code Reuse

Helm fosters collaboration and code reuse within organizations and the wider Kubernetes community. Developers can share charts via chart repositories, making it easier for others to leverage and build upon existing work. This promotes knowledge sharing and accelerates the adoption of best practices across teams.

Career Aspects

Proficiency in Helm can be highly beneficial for InfoSec and Cybersecurity professionals. Understanding Helm's features and best practices can open up opportunities in various roles, including:

  1. DevSecOps Engineer: DevSecOps engineers focus on integrating security practices into the DevOps lifecycle. Knowledge of Helm allows them to ensure secure and compliant software deployments within Kubernetes environments.

  2. Kubernetes Security Specialist: With Kubernetes becoming the de facto container orchestration platform, expertise in Helm is valuable for professionals specializing in securing Kubernetes infrastructure and applications.

  3. Cloud Security Architect: Cloud security architects design and implement secure cloud environments. Helm's role in deploying and managing applications within Kubernetes clusters aligns well with their responsibilities.

Standards and Best Practices

To ensure secure and efficient use of Helm, it is essential to follow best practices and adhere to industry standards. Some recommended practices include:

  • Chart Auditing: Before deploying a chart, it is advisable to audit it for Vulnerabilities and security risks. Tools like kube-score 1 can help assess the security posture of Helm charts.

  • Secret Management: Sensitive information, such as passwords and API keys, should be stored securely outside of Helm charts. Secrets can be managed using Kubernetes Secrets 2 or dedicated secret management tools.

  • Chart Versioning: Maintaining proper versioning of charts is crucial for tracking changes and ensuring reproducibility. Semantic versioning 3 is commonly used to manage chart versions.

  • Chart Validation: Helm provides mechanisms to validate the structure and syntax of charts using the helm lint command. Running linting checks before deploying charts helps catch potential issues early in the development process.


Helm has emerged as a powerful package manager for Kubernetes, enabling secure and efficient software deployment. Its ability to simplify application packaging, deployment, and management has made it a popular choice within the Kubernetes community. By adhering to best practices and leveraging Helm's features, organizations can enhance their application deployment processes and ensure secure and compliant software deployments.

Helm's relevance in the industry is growing, with demand for professionals well-versed in Helm's usage and best practices. As organizations continue to embrace containerization and Kubernetes, expertise in Helm can provide InfoSec and Cybersecurity professionals with a competitive edge in their careers.


  1. kube-score: https://github.com/zegl/kube-score 

  2. Kubernetes Secrets: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/secret/ 

  3. Semantic Versioning: https://semver.org/ 

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