Jobs at Ministry of Social Development

Ministry of Social Development is currently hiring for 6 InfoSec / Cybersecurity roles

The Ministry of Social Development helps people to be successful in their lives. Every day our people invest energy and passion into making a difference in the lives of young adults, families, individuals and communities. In helping New...

Ministry of Social Development logo Ministry of Social Development logo
Employment types
Full Time (6)
Hiring regions
Asia/Pacific (6)
Common tags
ISO 27001 (4) Cloud (4) Compliance (4) Governance (3) Strategy (3) NIST (3) Agile (3) Privacy (3) Endpoint security (2) IAM (2)
Career development (6) Flex hours (2)
Experience levels
Senior-level / Expert (3) Mid-level / Intermediate (1)
Above overview represents hiring data aggregated over the past 6 months

Open positions at Ministry of Social Development

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